Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Way too young for bras!

Joe's mom Teresa was staying with us last week because we needed someone to watch Lily while her babysitter is on vacation and during her stay, Lily stumbled across one of Teresa's new bras laying on the bed. I wasn't in the room, but Teresa said that Lily picked it up and slipped it over her head, turned around to face the mirror and patted her "boobies" while looking at herself. Teresa died laughing and told Lily to go show mommy. She walked down the hall and when I saw her I burst into laughter. She looked so cute and innocent. I was so glad she kept it on long enough for me to get a picture of it.

1 comment:

  1. WELCOME to the blogging world!! I am so happy to be able to catch up with your sweet family this way. Lily is a DOLL BABY!!!

    The kids and I were doing water balloons in the back yard a few days ago and it reminded me of our long hours sitting on the slip and slide making water balloon families!!!
